1 – Are You Male or Female?
Male Female
This is a closed question; this is because it is a simple multiple choice type of question. This will determine what kind of audience I may have to create the magazine for in which is an advantage as it would also tell me a little about the person I am questioning.
2 – How old are you?
10 – 12 13 – 15 16 – 18 19 – 25 26+
This is very similar to the previous question. This would also tell me a little about the person I am questioning.
3 – Do you read magazines?
Yes No
This is also very similar to the previous question. This would also determine a little more about the person that I am questioning.
4 – Do you read Music Magazines?
Yes No
Yes No
This is also similar to the previous questions but this narrows down my search as it starts to get deeper into the audience.
5 – Do you often listen to music?
Yes No
Yes No
This is also a closed question. But also tells me what my audience may do on their spare time.
6 – What type of music genre do you listen to?
RnB/ Hip Hop Classical House Ballad Other
RnB/ Hip Hop Classical House Ballad Other
This is a closed question which allows me to use the data that is gathered to base my foundation genre of the magazine.
7 – Does this music influence you and your life style?
Yes No
This is also a closed question as the response is limited. But this also means that the music would affect them or not.
8 – Do you often go to any gigs for this type of music?
Yes No
8 – Do you often go to any gigs for this type of music?
Yes No
This is a closed question. The results may give me an advantage of what to put in my magazine e.g. tour information
9 – Who is your favourite artist?
9 – Who is your favourite artist?
This is an open question but will tell me what kind of artist they would like to be in my magazine
10 – Do you like to keep up with that artist?
Yes No
This is a closed question, this would tell me how important their chosen artist means to them, this could mean I have to say good things about them and avoid the issues.
11 – Would you like to have an exclusive interview article for this artist?
Yes No
This is a closed question which would tell me what sort of article they would like me to do in my magazine.
12 – Do you normally buy Music Magazines?
Yes No
This is a closed question. This would tell me if my audience are interested in a new music magazine.
13 – What colour scheme would you like the magazine to be?
Blue Black/White Red Green Yellow Other
13 – What colour scheme would you like the magazine to be?
Blue Black/White Red Green Yellow Other
This is a closed question as this would tell me what theme colour they would prefer me to use for my magazine
14 – At what age-range would you like this magazine to be aimed at?10 – 12 13 – 15 16 – 18 19 – 25 26+
This is a closed question as this would allow me to notify what target audience I would design my magazine in to.
15 – At what price are you willing to pay for the magazine?
£1 – 1.99 £2 – £2.99 £3 – 3.99 £4+
This is a closed question as this would allow me to set a good, reasonable price in which people are willing to pay for.
16 – What other features would you like in the magazine?
Quiz Website links Exclusive Interviews CDs
This is another closed question. This would allow me to create a unique selling point in which people would buy my magazine over the other magazines that I am competing with.
17 – Would you also like an article within the magazine or just filled with interviews?
Articles and Interviews Just Interviews
This is also a closed question. This would also allow me to be aware of what over features they would like in my magazine.
18 – How often would you like this magazine to be published?
Daily Weekly Monthly
This is a closed question that would allow me to know how often they would like my magazine to be published.
19 – Where would you like it to be published?Locally Nationally Globally
This is a closed question as it would allow me to know what kind of audience I am dealing with. This means can also tell me how successful my magazine is by how global my magazine selling is.
20 – Would you like to a download links/barcodes to be able to download music?
Yes No
This is also a closed question in which would tell me if they would want other special features within my magazine.
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